Young Researcher Award 2019


Young Researcher Award 2019

Will be awarded by an Apicad jury on 4 May 2019, in Lyon, during the IC2019 colloquium.


Competition Rules

  1. A poster in A2 format is requires to participate. The poster must be sent in an interoperable digital format. Upon reception, the poster will be published on the Miriadi website, and displayed during the colloquium. The printing of the poster will be the responsibility of the colloquium organization.

  2. The poster must present a written piece of reserch (master's thesis, doctoral thesis, other publication) which is also to be sent to the members of the evaluating commitee in digital formIn the case of publications, collective applications will be accepted.

  3. The text of the poster must be in one of the Romance languages, but there are no conditions on the language of the research work.

  4. The research must be in the field of plurilingualism and learning.

  5. The publication or oral defense cannot have taken place prior to 2016.

  6. There are no age restrictions for candidates.

  7. The jury will be composed of 5 researchers appointed by Apicad.

  8. The winner will receive the sum of 500 euros and a statement of recognition. In the case of collective research, the prize will be shared.

  9. Candidates do not need to be present at the colloquium.

  10. The announcement of the competition will be published from January to MarchApplications may be sent up to and including 21 April to


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